Tami’s Story – Veteran Home Repair Program

Veteran: Tami, Army

Work completed: Repair and replacement of foundation walls; replacement of windows; repairs to plumbing; replacement of water heater; repairs to front entryway

Tami started her career in the Army National Guard in Oregon and was trained as a material control and accounting technician. While serving in the Guard, she was activated for duty in support of Operation Desert Storm. Her primary responsibility was to prepare units for deployment into the Middle East. Upon ending her service, Tami worked administrative jobs in retail and insurance. For the past 15 years, she has worked as a support clerk for a global risk services firm.

Tami is a single mom of two sons, Ethan and Samuel, both of whom are still in school. The family has lived in their home for 11 years, but it has fallen into disrepair. The windows aren’t properly sealed, letting cold air in during the harsh Omaha winters. The kitchen and the bathroom both had plumbing issues, and the water heater needed to be replaced. The front entrance to the home had also become a hazard because of rot.

Thanks to Habitat for Humanity and a grant from The Home Depot Foundation, Tami and her sons now have a comfortable home. Tami tells her friends and family that the repairs to her home were “a game changer.” Before the repairs, she didn’t think her family would be able to stay in the home much longer, and she was concerned about finding a new home that she could afford near her sons’ school and friends. Now Tami is looking forward to staying in the home she and her family love for the rest of her life.

You can donate directly to the Veteran Home Repair Program HERE.

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