Omaha Habitat

Friends Group

FRIENDS is a volunteer group dedicated to the advancement and growth of the organization through fundraising and friend-raising efforts.

Habitat for Humanity of Omaha Friends: What We Do

Since 1984, Habitat Omaha has worked with more than 2,150 families and individuals through Home Journey Counseling, home repairs and neighborhood revitalization efforts. Through year-round activities, Habitat Friends help meet Habitat Omaha’s mission, partnering with hardworking families to afford safe, stable homes in the Omaha community.

Friends group members:

• Volunteer
• Donate
• Raise awareness
• Attend home dedications
• Provide homeowners with toolkits
• Network with other members at monthly meetings
• Plan, host, promote and attend social events, such as Habitat staff appreciation luncheon


Who can join Habitat Friends Group?

You can!

The group is run by volunteers from a variety of backgrounds, with a growing membership total.

Membership levels:

Advocate Member  ($25 – $99)
Sustainer Member  ($100 – $499)
Champion Member ( $500+)
Donor Member  (Any Amount)

Why join Habitat FRIENDS?

Everyone needs a good friend. With safe, stable and affordable housing, families can gain improved health, physical safety and security in addition to increased educational and job opportunities. Your efforts will make all of this possible!

Become a Habitat Omaha FRIEND today!

Contact Kary Cameron, Friends Board President

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