Belief and Hard Work Create Homeownership Success for Single Dad
John recently added a new accomplishment to his list of successes — homeownership.
Out of all his personal achievements — father, Navy veteran, college graduate, and high school teacher —homeownership was where he lacked the belief he could actually do it.
But John had a great homeownership motivator — Lucy, his daughter, who will turn seven this fall. “I was set on getting Lucy a house,” he said.
However, discouragement would set in every time John tried to move forward. “I was looking on Zillow for my dream house, one I could conceivably afford – $150 to $180 thousand with 7 percent interest. That would be $2,000 a month before utilities. I’m a single dad with a teacher’s income and some military benefits,” the Navy veteran said. “It (homeownership) didn’t seem possible to me.”
But John kept looking and hoping, keeping the dream alive for Lucy. That’s when he remembered a Navy friend who is a master plumber for Habitat Omaha and began to wonder if Habitat could help. “I looked them up and applied (for Home Journey, Habitat Omaha’s homeownership readiness program), thinking, ‘I doubt anything will happen, but . . .’”
In the meantime, John was living with his parents, helping them with their health issues and trying to save money when he got the call from Habitat Omaha. “Every time I tried to figure it out (home affordability) myself, I would overestimate, and it would come out that I didn’t have enough (income),” he said. “They (Habitat Omaha) made it seem possible that I could afford a reasonable home mortgage.”
It wasn’t until John began the Home Journey program that his hopes and dreams seemed achievable. “It was the first time I had anybody look at my finances and help me learn how to budget my money to get to a point where I could afford a mortgage.” He also was unaware of Habitat Omaha’s financial partners, who provide mortgage capital to help future homeowners like himself get low-interest loans, down-payment assistance, and other help to make homeownership possible.
“A 2.6% interest rate! I mean, that was huge,” he said. “And going to the classes helped. Maybe the fact they believed I could do it gave me the belief in myself.”
As homeownership was getting closer, there was one final agreement with Lucy he had to make good on. “Lucy asked if we could get a cat,” John said. “We were in an apartment, and I was like, we’re not until we have a house. I was kind of thinking this will never happen.”
The house happened thanks to a great deal of encouragement from Habitat Omaha and hard work. It is a light grey, four-bedroom home in a kid-filled Bellevue neighborhood. It has a huge backyard with room to run, and Lucy’s room is decorated with her personal touches. And yes, there are two cats — Sparkles Sprinkle Helen and Kurt Flower Broom. “Lucy thought we each needed our own cat.”
And now, John is grateful to Habitat Omaha and the previous homeowner for keeping the house affordable in a super-heated housing market. He said he encourages others to sell their homes to Habitat to keep them affordable for people like himself.